Monday, September 02, 2013

Weekly Highlights

This past week nothing too too exciting happened during the week. I don't have any big announcements.

We have booked the appointment for the bridesmaid dresses so I should have some picked out by next weekend although I won't reveal what they look like ;) 

I've also picked up quite a few things for the apartment so I am hoping to show that soon.

I have a few pictures from Friday night. I went to go see a Toronto FC game with a friend. We got completely soaked but hey what the heck! It was a good time anyway.

This is right outside the apartment we are moving to. Notice: Canada's largest Rib fest (there is apparently stuff going on here all the time.. not just Rib fests... lol) and the lake behind! So excited to move to this area.

Completely soaked -- notice below that I can hardly see out of my glasses because it is filled with raindrops.

And a beergarita. I was skeptical but these things are actually really yummy!

So there is my weekend in pictures. Nothing too exciting. September is looking to be a pretty chill month (besides my shower) so I hope I can come up with some good blog posts during it!

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